Wazzup y'all?? *creek creek~
Just now I was listening to Yuna's Terukir Di Bintang. I dunno why, but that song made me feel damned fluttery and a bit romantic HAHA (I know, I know, I get shudders just by writing this.). And so, automatically after listening to the beat again and again and a bit of googling, I did what I always did with any song I can't get out of my head; I sing and use the keyboard to accompany me!! :D
Ok, now that we've gotten over that part, I just wanna talk about BOYS today, or more like BOYFRIEND. Hence,the topic.
As most of you know, I. NEVER. HAD. A. BOYFRIEND.
Okay, that felt good haha. Maybe a bit awkward. Yeah, thing is, I'm not upset over that fact. To tell you the truth, I have tons of friends who are in relationships and as far as I'm concerned, being single gives you more freedom and more fun cause you never have to worry about any significant half etc..
Doesn't mean I don't want to be in a relationship.
Again,since I've never had any relationship of that sort, I'm always curious. Of what? Well, what you do with your other half, why must teddy bears and flowers be involved, and WHY, WHY do we use icky words (baby, anje, papa & mama (EEW!) , darling etc.).
To be honest, I'm the type of girl that hates words that are too sweet coming from random guy who's just trying to hit on you. Once you're in a relationship that's fine, but as strangers, do you really have to use lovey dovey words?? It makes my skin crawl. Maybe I'm just weird. Or maybe I've never met a guy who can turn me into a total mush by a single word.
I always wondered why I am not able to grab myself a guy. But I guess everyone's different.
Or maybe I'm just too much of a weirdo. Um,I'm just gonna find some comfort now. *munching chocolates*
But I have done some thinking and I whattaya know, I found some theories which might or might not have caused the reason for my lack of love life. Let's start with
1) I watched too many (Korean) Dramas, Movies.
Yeah, I'm a drama addict. Not just Korean, Hollywood (HAMAIGADD One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl ), Japanese, even Malay (me likey Aaron Aziz XD). Apparently dramas are my coping mechanism of escaping bitter realities I sometimes get. Obviously almost every drama is unrealistic, I mean, come on, good looking and rich and has six pack not to mention superb manners hero falling for some common chick in a cheesy situation? That rarely happens in real life. I know that. But that doesn't mean I never hoped for it. I guess by having that hope, I put too much expectation in finding my other half thus narrowing my chances of ever finding one which takes me to #2:
2) Most Guys Are Jerks/Not Husband Material.
It's kinda true ya know (no offense to the male species, especially the fine ones). I met quite a number of men (okayyy maybee not that many cause I'm kinda an antisocial person at times especially with men) and most of them taught me many lessons, mainly about MEN ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED FULLY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.
For example, I have met, and actually thought to give a shot to this one pathetic excuse of a man. Turns out, he was just another playah~. And he was not even good-looking. And likes to brag. Urgh, what was I thinking? Oh well, I was young and naive. But the good thing is I learned not to trust men so easily after that. And I learn that people are capable of deceiving to the extreme. So better to hang out with my friends, doing crazy stuff and just doing my own thing, thus we come to #3
3) I Value My Freedom & Independence.
Well, I like to do many things on my own (eat alone, shop alone, play music alone). Okay, I'm not saying that I enjoy being kera sumbang, but doing things on my own without having to wait on others is much more convenient. I also like to do spontaneous stuff with my friends without telling other people first, except for my mum. So if I am to be in a relationship, I need to get someone who is not a controlling ass. That's the hard part. That's why I am so picky. Sheesh.
Despite of all things above, I will not deny that I would love to get someone to share my life with someday, to grow old together, build a family together, and just be my best friend in everything. Hee, I'm starting to get mushy now. Better stop it.
Okay I'm done ranting. Maybe one day someone will come across this post and just sweep me off my feet just like in a fairytale. A girl can dream lalala~
Till then,
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Never Say Never
What up yo!
How are things everyone?mine is good so far. My weekends, as usual were filled with many activities. Last week I unexpectedly went to Broga. I was planning to spend my weekend curled up in my blanket with a hot milo to soothe my feverish flu, and have a series of marathon with all Nicholas Sparks movies and do some drooling over the sight of Ryan Gosling, Shane West, Channing Tatum etc....
My friend texted me on saturday night, telling me they're going to Broga. That very night. No preludes, no heads up. @.@. I was so damned torn up between getting my fever down while watching my imaginary boyfriends or to go to Broga with these dummies(my friends) whom I have not met for quite some time. Alas, the promise of nature and feet aches triumphed the sanctuary of my comfy blanket. So I got ready,packed my bags & stuff, no exercise, no nothing (I know I will pay for that) and 2 hours later, my peeps came to my house and off we went to Broga. We actually got a lil bit lost on the way there, but thanks to Mr GPS, somehow we managed to reach there at 2.30 in the morning. But of course, whenever I travel with these dummies, our adventures would always include eating. And this time, we made barbecues at the parking space in Broga,since well, no one was around, so we treat the place like our bapak punya tanah. We ate chicken,hot dogs and some junkfood. Again, I did not stretch, did not have any extreme exercise for the last 2 months and I ate hot dogs before hiking. Oh, did I mention that we hiked right after we ate?Yeap we did.
We started our journey around 4am. At first we got a bit lost cause it was dark and we only have 2 torchlights. Somehow we got back on the right track and started hiking for real. We went and went and went slowly, I guess, as I have night blindness so I kept on bising2 suruh suluh lampu. Thank God my friends were patient people. If not, maybe they would hv thrown me into some gaung there muahahahah. So we kept hiking until we reach some flat surface and took a rest there. At that moment I felt the chicken I ate, coming back to my throat with vengeance. I took a deep breath and thought to myself "pdn muka Bella, sape suh x exercise slalu, kan dh terseksa lg time hiking instead of enjoying urself". Yeap, I deserved that. So after mentally hitting myself, we continued our journey to the first peak. The trail was not that hard actually, but somehow I lost my courage after a year of not doing outdoor activities and I forgot all my experiences in hiking. Ok, I might not be a pro,but I ain't no quitter, I'm the type who will try my best to finish something that I've started. Only then will I not have any regrets if I was not able to finish it. Because I know I've tried my best.
Sooo,after my whinings, mostly about me being heavy, and after climbing steep rocks and me being gedik endlessly haha, we finally reached the peak. I was kinda surprised that we reached it so fast cause I thought I would be in pure torture or sumthing before we reach the peak. But let me tell you something, when you have your friends with you, and you did not concentrate on the endless path ahead, but concentrate on the path you are currently trotting into, you will not feel that the goal was too hard to be achieved/reached. At least that works for me. I applied it to my experience in life as well. Do not concentrate on the endless path ahead. It will only bring you down mentally as you will be questioning when you will reach the peak. Concentrate on the path that you are currently stepping into, that way, you will be more careful about taking the best step and trot your way up safely and who knows, the peak might be nearer than you think. Get what I mean?But jgn la x tgk dpn lgsg smpi xnmpk pape dh. There's no harm in looking up sometimes, just to set your expectation and whether you are on the path that you feel is right. But don't do that all the time as it will blind you with the path that you are currently in. Go deep for a while with me here ok? miahahahahhaa
Ok after we reached the peak, we lepak2 there for a while, snapped some pictures, talking with each other (I did the talking mostly, cause others were just sleeping and yawning, I seemed to hv a talent for endless chatter.) After a while we decided to get down and find a bigger spot for sunrise as the peak was starting to get crowded. So down we went. I got to play a bit of damsel in distress while climbing down the steep ropes as stranger guys who were going up were all ready to ever be the gentlemen in helping me and my girlfriends down the ropes. Since I am the type who gets down clumsily, those stranger guys were so damned worried that I might slide and hurt myself. Well, I get scratches and bruises all the time and never cared bout them, but then, chucking my independent female principles for a while, I accepted all the help I got haha. It's nice to be a girl sometimes. Yes, think of what you want on my statement. I don't care miahahaha. So we went to a bigger spot, lay down our tent (for landing purposes) and waited for the sunrise.
SO THE SUNRISE CAME. at 7.20 am.
And we snapped pictures here and there, I did some camwhoring, took some random pics. And after spending an hour there, we started hiking down. I took my time going down as I was busy taking pictures, and apart from that, I had horrible experience of going down during my trip to Mt Kinabalu. If it were not for my friend who stayed with me during my agonizing trip of going down, I'd prolly roll myself down somewhere and rot there till someone comes and rescue me. But Broga wasn't as bad as that. I had no trouble going down. My friend waited for me patiently and so I went down ,sliding down happily, albeit a bit of leg pain. After all of us reached the parking spot, we had ice cream and after a bit of bahan2 each other(mostly aku yg kene), I had to go back cause I have something to attend to on that evening.
So I went home, leg hurting, smelling like a cod fish, and happy as a clam. Hiking always bring me pain,sweat,bruises,makes me look like a helpless fish while climbing and I fall down easily coz I'm a clumsy person. But I get satisfaction from doing it. Why? Because it tests my strength mentally and my perseverance towards achieving my goal. I felt like crying and quitting sometimes, but somehow I did not want to, because I want to test my limits to the extreme, until my legs fail me 100%, until I can't talk or smile.And besides, I think I look cool when I reach the top, even though my face looks like mcm nk mati and my baju is all comot. Besides, I feel calm when I am with nature. So that's why I still like to do it. But I will start exercise again this week and make sure that I am ready when those dummies comes up with last minute plan (yeah, we usually do that).
So here are some pictures that I managed to snap for our trip ^^
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Zee view from zee top |
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We are tough females |
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One of my camwhoring moments |
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While waiting for sunrise heeee~ |
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Before total sunrise |
There.Put some pics in my blog finally. Muahahahahha
Anyhoo, I am looking forward to go hiking again..maybe somewhere tougher next time? (ceh, berlagak, satg pancit ayam). Moral of the story, PLEASE exercise at least TWICE a week people. Not just for losing weight, but to build stamina and strengthen your body in the long run. I will remind myself to go dance on my dance mat shall I be too lazy to go jogging ngehehehehe...
Till then, so long peeps, Happy working tomorrow on MONDAY (Eep!) T.T
Peace out,
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